A Case of The Doodle Bug


In my "About" page, I write that I suffer from a case of the "doodle bug". To anyone who may be alarmed, have no fear, it is a made up illness to depict how hard it is for me to resist doodling. I am always doodling. Whether it is on a scrap piece of paper, my favorite notebook, or the margins of a brochure, I just can't help myself. For me, doodling is another creative outlet that helps me release any tension or stress. It is so relaxing...almost hypnotizing. Some people (ehem, Traci) will tell you that I get a glazed look in my eyes as though I have been possessed by the pen. But I like to think of it as the face of a person in complete and total flow. In other words, a zenful bliss. Recently, I've been trying to incorporate more of my doodles into my photographs. I figured what better way to share both of my passions  than to find ways to piece the two together. Here's a look at some of these projects. 

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