Illustrating Israel


Back in May, Vlad and I went to Israel together. It was a blast. This was such an important and special trip for the both of us. He met my family, we traveled all over the country, he learned more about the culture I come from, he connected with his Jewish roots. We feel so lucky to have had this experience.

I decided to add illustrations to some of my favorite shots from the trip. So here they are!

The Dead Sea - some salt chrystals formed into giant structures…crazyyyyy

Masada – An ancient fortress in the desert of Israel, right near the Dead Sea

Camels in the Negev Desert – that sun was INTENSE

Jerusalem Tower of David – Can you find the hidden shield in each photo? (Here’s what it looks like:)

Tel Aviv Sea Monsters – They come out at sunset

Tel Aviv Port - An alien robot kid sits atop a carousel contemplating the meaning of life

Tel Aviv Museum of Art – Even the building had beautiful architecture…you might even call it ARTchitecure

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